• About the e-course

    This e-course is based on the European Competence Framework for Sustainability (GreenComp). The GreenComp identifies a set of competences that people need to develop in order to actively participate and contribute to a more sustainable world. 

    This course is organised in five modules, four of which are those included in the GreenComp: 'Embodying Sustainability Values', 'Embracing Complexity in Sustainability', 'Envisioning Sustainable Futures' and 'Acting for Sustainability'. Each of these modules contains three interrelated competencies. The fifth module, 'Greening the labour market', provides basic concepts of green skills and green jobs.

Available courses

Module I introduces the first GreenComp Competence Area "Embodying Sustainability Values", which focuses on personal values and attitudes that support sustainable practices. The learning objectives for this module are:

  • To develop an understanding of the importance of sustainability and its relevance to all aspects of life. 

  • To recognise the interdependence of social, economic and environmental systems and the need for a holistic approach to achieve sustainable development. 

  • Cultivate a commitment to social justice, equity and fairness in the context of sustainable development.

  • Recognise and address the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities

  • Understand the importance of inclusiveness and diversity in decision-making processes

  • To develop a deep appreciation and respect for nature and its essential role in maintaining the balance of our planet's ecosystems. 

  • To understand the intrinsic value of biodiversity and the need to conserve it. To recognise the importance of ecosystem services for human well-being.

This module is based on the second GreenComp Competence Area, "Embracing Complexity in Sustainability". It elaborates on the three core competencies of this area, namely systems thinking, critical thinking and problem framing. The learning objectives are:

  • Understand the competence area Embracing Complexity in Sustainability and its core competencies. 
  • Learn about the importance of these competencies for sustainable development. 
  • Understand the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to master the second GreenComp domain. 
  • Recognise the Embracing Complexity competencies in real life examples.

This module introduces the third GreenComp competency area 'Envisioning sustainable futures', which includes the competencies 'Future Literacy', 'Adaptability' and 'Exploratory Thinking'.

Learning objectives

  • To understand what the third GreenComp competency area "Envisioning sustainable futures" entails.
  • To gain knowledge about the three competences included in this module: Future Literacy, Adaptability and Exploratory Thinking. 
  • Learn about the importance of developing 'envisioning sustainable futures' competencies in order to achieve sustainability goals. 
  • Understand the relationship between the different core competencies included in Envisioning Sustainable Futures and sustainability. 
  • Identify the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to practise and promote Envisioning Sustainable Futures competencies.

This module explains the fourth competency area of GreenComp; "Acting for Sustainability". It goes into detail about the competences involved in this area, namely 'Political Agency', 'Collective Action' and 'Individual Initiative'. The main learning objectives are: 

  • Understanding what Acting for Sustainability means and how individuals can apply this competence
  • Recognise the relevance of Acting for Sustainability to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • Be aware of the knowledge, skills and attitudes related to Acting for Sustainability
  • Learn to recognise the core competencies of Acting for Sustainability in real life situations

This section discusses the main concepts related to the greening of the labour market, such as green skills and green jobs, and their role in achieving the objectives set out in the European Green Deal. It also provides examples of green occupations and skills useful in the green labour market, as well as the latest trends in the field.